Of Socks and Men

Laundry, duck hunting/firefighting absent husband, three little girls and no dogs in sight Slightly neurotic and completely at my witts end--- wife, mother, dreamer lost in her 30-somethings

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Location: Paradise

I'm a 35-year-old mother of three who has a million dreams to dream -- and three children to carry out the ones she doesn't get around to. My husband is a firefighter and an obsessed duck hunter, so I'm pretty much a single mother, trying to juggle my life around duck season and fire season.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Take the 30-day test drive

The other day I came across an ad informing me that I could try out a mattress for 30 days and if I wasn’t satisfied, I could return it for a full refund.

Now that is just disgusting. Who wants a used mattress?

Somewhere in this world there must be a warehouse peddling 30-day-old reject mattresses.

Are these what some places call reconditioned mattresses? Hmm? Kind of makes you think, huh? You may have gotten a bargain when you bought that pillow toped wonder, but did you bargain to be sleeping where Billy Ray and Norma slept?

Of course, if it was a previously owned celebrity mattress, maybe those of us who are say overly star struck would be tempted to take a roll in the hay. Could even be an asset.

Imagine this: Young Robby Cartwright has finally found what he hopes is his first love-- only Robby isn’t the smoothest tool in the tackle box.
So he goes up to Miss Emily Post and says, “You wanna sit on that? Britney Spears once owned it. Really. This is one special mattress.”

Miss Emily is not of the star struck variety and realizes the mattress is what it is-- full of nasty little germs (They all are. This in no way implies that Britney Spears has a germy mattress) and leaves immediately.

And so this ad got me thinking. If we can return mattresses, why can’t we have a 30-day trial on other things?

For instance, all cars run perfectly on the car lot. They are shiny and next to some of the cars I’ve seen around town, they are visions of the good life-- while on the lot anyway.

When my husband and I shopped for our most recently deceased car, he stepped onto the car lot and was immediately transferred to his pretend life. In his pretend life, we camp and own an RV, boat and a couple of quads. We need a sturdy SUV for hauling stuff. We’re haulers and campers and adventurers. He needs a tow strap, a V-8 and three rows of seats.

And we need a truck because we can haul stuff in that too. All the time. Hauling is our No.1 favorite activity. If my husband could own a dump truck, he’d have one so he could move our leaves and pine needles around all day.

Unfortunately, this is not our reality. I camp-- sometimes. Actually, I am camping at this very moment because I have 30 days to try out my tent before it’s too late to return it to K-Mart and I want to get every second in to make sure “it’s the one.”

Anyway, my husband bought me this enormous gas-guzzling Expedition and we never went on any expeditions-- until I convinced him to sell it.

Now if we’d had the 30-day money back guarantee, I could have used the 30 days to show him the errors of his ways (mainly the gas receipts).

Other things I think should come with guarantees are fresh flowers. Do you know how many times I’ve received flowers only to have them wrinkle up and die on me?
I say if the flowers turn brown before the week is up, send them back.

I can see where this could go wrong though.

Billy Ray takes Norma Jean out on a date and gives her this enormous bouquet of flowers. Norma is thrilled. How generous of her sweetie!

Then just as he goes in for a kiss goodnight (before telling her about his genuine pre-owned celebrity mattress), he says, “Now, Norma I need those flowers back. You liked them right, but they have to be back by noon tomorrow or they are going to charge my VISA card.”

Terrible, huh?

But you know, you really don’t need a 30-day guarantee on all things.

Be resourceful.

Do like my mother and I did one Valentines Day.

There we were standing in Rite Aide and looking at all the Valentines when I said, “Hey mom, if I were to send you a card, I’d send you this one.”

Now I am ashamed to say we call each other on our cell phones and read cards to each other just prior to the holidays.

And we have never been disappointed.

* previously published in the Paradise Post 8-12-06-- and here today because I'm too lazy to be creative at the moment.


Blogger Pamela said...

How about a 30 day marriage license?

Speaking of slimy car salesmen... don't ever give one your car key to take a look at the old one.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

I've heard those mattress ads - but never thought about it before - YUCK - I suppose those used mattresses are sold to college kids! Hey - I "heard" somewhere that it was illegal to sell used mattresses. Maybe that is wrong - so Mattress World would end up with a Huge pile of new-gross beds.

9:50 PM  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Yeah that is kind of nuts. Nice post even if its old. IT's new to me:).

6:12 AM  
Blogger Bonnie B said...

wya-- I'm with you there. Car salesmen will promise you the world and deliver an ant pile.

pamela-- Bravo! No kidding 30-day marriage license is a great idea-- only I think the newlyweds should be forced to undergo some sort of insane Survivor-eque challenge during those days.
I agree on not giving them the keys. I think they do things behind closed doors to your car-- or they discover what kind of "beauty" you are trading in.

karmyn-- I'd heard that too, but my cousin said it is legal if they sanitize them or soemthing liekt hat. He bought a sleep number bed for like $1500 instead of the nearly $3000 he said they usually cost. I wouldn't know. I'm still sleeping on the poor newlywed mattress we bought 9 years ago.

nicole-- the fine print gets you every time. Nothing is ever free-- otherwise I'd "buy" a car everytime I have to drive to LA

SWFM-- Nutty as a squirrel in autumn. Glad you liked it. I still feel lazy for not actually writing something new. But there is absolutely nothing going on in my brain. Anyone have any jumper cables?

7:04 AM  
Blogger kasamba said...

OOOH, bonnie!
You're at your best when you're lazy!!!
Let's see, I'd like a 30 day money back guarantee on:
1-shoes that kill after five hours of wearing them.
2-books that don't grab you by the 40th page.
3-Bathing suits that make you look fat as soon as you hit the beach.

1:03 PM  
Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

How about a 30 day guarantee on haircuts...
while ur sitting there u always look great...
but then later...i dont know..just doesnt look the same

7:55 PM  
Blogger Ashley Lasbury said...


5:47 PM  
Blogger Bonnie B said...

yes, but mother (pattie) if people were allowed to return their suits, think of all the images we won't have to block from our minds. Bad suits should just be burned and never revisited

6:48 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

I love the Valentine Day story!

6:51 PM  
Blogger ;iulu said...


no time for a proper read as I'm running out the door, but just waving as I scoot on by..

8:13 PM  
Blogger Bonnie B said...

Flor-- I've missed you so much!!!!

Kristin-- you've been missed too so glad to have you back.

David-- I know what you mean. I can never figure out how to style it when I get home

kasamba-- oh I am so happy to have you back-- let's ditch the yucky shoes

onetall momma- thanks

8:34 PM  
Blogger Bonnie B said...

Patti-- are you ever going to post something new? This absence is getting ridiculous-- people might think you work for a living

9:25 PM  
Blogger Babaloo said...

Great story! I giggled at the image of you reading cards in the store out loud on the phone.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

Bonnie -

You can join the Blogging Chicks Blogroll - just a list of women bloggers all in one spot. (and you add the list to your sidebar) The organizer, Michele, can answer any questions you may have - and on her website is a lot of info about it.

ALSO - for the Carnival, you just submit a post to Michele. It is just a way to showcase your writing and introduce you to more people.

Go check it out - http://bloggingchicks.blogspot.com/

Her e-mail address is on the right of her sidebar. You can't miss it!

I hope that kind of answered your questions!

8:06 AM  
Blogger Bonnie B said...

karmyn- thanks for answering my questions-- Maybe I could do this in the future. It sounds like fun

8:45 PM  

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